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About me
I first started taking photos by capturing the memories of my artwork. I was in my twenties living in South Korea.
I was a glass artist. In fact, I have a Master Degree in Glass Art. My passion for glass art and photography came hand in hand as my glass art work was expressed to the world through the pictures that I took.
During my university days, I took photography classes to enhance my ability to express my art work through the lenses of my camera. Years of hard work and dedication as a glass artist led me to create the art work and the photos illustrated in the glass art section of my webpage (
Nearly two decades later, my life has transformed. I married, moved to Canada, and became a mother of two. I also started a new career. I became a photographer. The drastic changes in my life were not always easy, but I always felt fortunate to be supported by my loved ones and family, and to be able to practice one of my passions, photography.
My photography career officially started with a maternity photo shoots for a friend, which led to a referral and then others followed suit. Now, it has snowballed to a formation of a new career. Also, I design and make many of the props myself. I love taking photos of babies, children and families. When I work on my photos, I feel newly born. It makes me lose track of time. I feel so excited. The passionate sensation that I felt when I worked on my glass art has rejuvenated through my photography career. Currently, I operate on the weekend only as I need to take care of my youngest child. But over the time, I eagerly look forward to expanding my career to full time. ‘Memories by Maysecond’ is still in its infancy, but many of you have shown support, love and interest for my work! Capturing your memories is my art and my passion.
Thank you so much!
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