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Doljabi lottery & Photo table
$100(GST included)
100불 추가하시면 돌잡이 추첨테이블데코,추첨용지,액자,준비해드립니다.
If you add $100, I will prepare Doljabi lottery table decoration with lottery paper and picture frames.
*손님테이블 조화데코+토퍼장식 10table max 테이블당 15불추가(5테이블 이상 추가시 테이블당 10불로 할인)
Gust table decoration for $15 per table. It is include artificial flower decoration + custom topper for 10 tables max.
(If you add more than 5, I will discounted to $10 per table when adding 5 or more table. )

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